Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
OCD can become a big problem for teens and their families. In a time when adolescents are asked to perform and produce more than ever before, OCD can be debilitating. Compulsions and rituals can bring productivity to a halt and increase the chances your child will fall behind his or her peers. Likewise compulsions and rituals prevent teens from focusing on school work, sports and social time. They may begin to avoid school or socializing with the fear that their OCD symptoms will be noticed. If your teen is suffering from some or all of the symptoms listed to the right you should seriously consider talking to a therapist who specializes in this difficult disorder.
Fortunately, there is effective, short-term treatment for OCD. At the Bay Area Center for Adolescents, we employ a specific type of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, designed to help teens overcome their obsessions and compulsions and return to their previous way of living.
Fortunately, there is effective, short-term treatment for OCD. At the Bay Area Center for Adolescents, we employ a specific type of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, designed to help teens overcome their obsessions and compulsions and return to their previous way of living.
For an appointment or free phone consultation, call (415) 448-6679 or click the button below.
Bay Area Center For Adolescents
Providing Trusted, Compassionate, Effective Therapy
(415) 448-6679